Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two years old

Where has the time gone?

It feels like just yesterday I held him in my arms for the first time.

Now I've got a little boy on my hands.

Friday was James' 2nd birthday.

We celebrated the 3 of us with our traditional Donuts for breakfast

then played outside for a bit

later Matt and James went out together for a few hours so I could get ready for his party

when they returned I had James' wagon all set up for him.

( Yes, his face is dirty...still not sure why)
He knew exactly what to do, opened the door and sat in it, ready to go.

I'm hoping this next week has good weather so James can have the full wagon experience.

Yesterday (Saturday) we celebrated James' big day with our families.

James loves to be with family and had a great time.



Wes and Dani said...

Oh he's getting so grown up!!! Is he getting excited to be a big brother?

The Morrisseys said...

I dont think he quite understands he's got competition coming, but he likes my growing belly so I'll say "Ya! He's way excited!" lol