Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I have been a serious slacker. So while I have a few minutes before my boys wake up from their nap, I will finally finish this post!
2011 marked a first in the Morrissey home....
Our First (YES FIRST) Christmas Tree

James loved our cute little tree and every time he saw a lit tree when we were out and about he would  gleefully yell at the top of his lungs,
"Tristmas Tree!!!!"
We never got to hanging ornaments or a topper, we're taking baby steps here people.

We went up to Idaho Falls again for Christmas, and I was able to mark decorating sugar cookies for Santa off my Christmas To Do list.

(Pictures placement got a little crazy there....)

Christmas Eve

My attempt at getting a picture of the boys together, too many distractions for James.

Aunt Caroline, Aunt Madeline, Noah and Uncle Will

Noah in his cute little Santa Suit!

James playing with his wooden train set,
 he was so excited he wouldn't look at the camera for even a second.
Noah and his Giraffe

Yum Yum Yum

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photo Card

Sparkling Snowflakes Christmas
Create unique Christmas cards with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year my boys dressed up as Curious George and The Man in the Yellow Hat.

This year was James' first time Trick-Or-Treating and we kept it simple and stuck to the shops on Main Street. James thought it was pretty cool to see all the other kids in costumes and got just enough candy to send him into a nice long sugar induced coma.

Monday, October 24, 2011

3 Months

Our little guy is 3 months old! Where does the time go? He's entering the "fun" age and we just love it! He's slowly getting stronger every day, but still hasnt rolled over (James did at 3 weeks) and sitting up on his own looks like it will be a while, (James- 3- 1/2 months).  I'm perfectly happy with this and know  all little babies are different, plus I dont need another mobile child any time soon.  Photobucket  So for now I'm enjoying our cuddle time. Noah is very curious, and loves to be held standing up so he can look around the room.  He is quite the "talker" and even has started to laugh, I love baby giggles. He loves James, and smiles when he's around. That is until James starts to bug him with too many kisses and and an extra squeezie hug.

James is saying and learning new words every day and I am thrilled! Things go much more smoothly when communication is easier. He's such a sweet little boy and makes us laugh all the time. He loves music and his two favorite songs to sing right now are "The Scottsman", Utah State's fight song, and Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. Yep, James Looooves Katy Perry. 


Other than the boys, same ol' same ol' for Matt and I. Matt is working very hard and enjoying his job and I am busy at home. Next weekend is Halloween, so I need to get cracking on costumes for the boys!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

9 weeks old already?!

I've been seriously lacking some updates on here, so here's a brief post to catch you up.

September 4th we had Noah's Blessing

My smiley little guy, just love this goofy smile

 We played with some home made play dough

Brotherly Love

Went up to Grandma and Grandpa Eddy's while Daddy was in Arizona, 
James is being followed by Cali because he's covered in Peanut Butter

James loves the dogs, Cali is so good to let him love on her
 maybe too much time around the dogs....
 Look at that smile!
 We came home on a friday night, then went back up Sunday morning to visit Matt's mom in the hospital, we're so glad she's doing better now and is back at home.
Tuesday we went up to Bear Lake to take some pictures of houses for insurance purposes
 Wednesday I got my wisdom teeth out, bruising is bad, still swollen. Went back up to Idaho Falls to recover so Matt could work. 
 Came home Saturday for Homecoming and Matt's Dad's surprise 65th Birthday...forgot the camera : /
But at least I have this cute picture of our little guy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

and then there were four

Depending on the hour, I'm either thinking....

"It's already been two weeks?!"


"Has is only been two weeks?"

The first week was full of visitors and was super busy. Our freezer is still full of meals from all the awesome people who brought dinners, which has been very nice considering there are still some laundry items that haven't made their turn to the wash for the last two weeks. Yet I'm doing laundry everyday. Newborns dirty way more laundry than toddlers do.

Last Sunday (the 31st) was my birthday and my Grandparents came up for lunch. It was so nice to have them over to spend time with James and meet Noah.

That night my parents and some siblings came over for dinner, I think it was the first time since I was a teenager I've spent my actual birthday with them. Crazy how time flies!
(James on Merlin Olsen Field)
James went up to Idaho Falls with my parents for a few days, and had lots of fun. I cried for a while when he left,  (it was the first time he'd been away from me for more than 12 hours and more than 5 minutes away)  but it was nice to only have to worry about keeping one child clean and fed.

James loves his little brother and smothers him with kisses. Whenever Noah cries James asks "What's wrong?" and tries to "help".
It's pretty cute most of the time.

Noah had his 2 week check up yesterday and is doing great!
Weight- 8lbs 3.5oz  55%
Height- 20 1/2 in.   75%
Head Measurement 14 1/4 in. 50%

So as exhausted as I am, I'm enjoying all three of my guys.

But I definitely wouldn't start asking when #3 is coming, I might kick you.