Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Advice Welcome

Last night, like every night, James fell asleep in our bed, and I carried him to him own bed. He stayed for about 2 hours before he woke up crying. We decided to let him just cry to see if he'd put himself to sleep. Ha...right.
Well about 3 minutes into him crying, Matt had fallen back asleep and James got out of his bed and ran into our room. I could tell he was coming because of the pitter patter of his feet running and I could hear him getting closer.
Apparently Matt didn't hear that because all of the sudden I see James run in like a flash of white, Matt screaming as he jumps out of bed, and James' cries getting louder as Matt screams.

I'm still giggling about it.

When I asked Matt why he scram, he said he wasn't sure what was running and screaming at him and it scared him, also that it wasn't a was a yell.

As funny as this was last night, I dont want it to happen again. I seriously think James has anxiety about being alone at night, and that he has nightmares. He sleeps through the night no problem at all if he's in bed with someone else, but wakes up at least every hour if he's on his own.

So today, on top of all my other things to do, I'll be searching for solutions to James' problems. If anyone has gone through this, or has hear of remedies I would LOVE to hear what you've got.

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