Thursday, December 17, 2009

Walmart and Cookies

        Last night we decided to do our grocery shopping at...Walmart. I know I know, I hate that place too, but I had to get things that other stores would have robbed me for. I hate grocery shopping somewhere other than my normal Maceys. It takes me twice as long because I dont know where anything is, and I often give up and skip the item. On top of my frustration, James wasn't a happy camper, and Matt and I really hadn't eaten all day, thus resulting in low blood sugar. I don't know about you, but when my blood sugar is low, I can be quite cranky. Amazingly enough, there was more than one cashier open, so we chose #7, thinking it would be our best bet for a quick exit.
         Oh and not only was she slow, she didn't say hi or even read my total to me. Why are Walmart employees the most socially awkward people I've ever come in contact with? Also, why in the world does Cache Valley have two Walmarts and no Target?  Oh Target how I miss you! Anywho...
 After dinner at Mandarin Garden, YUM YUM, we went home, and decided to make cookies for our home and visiting teaching familes. James was asleep, so Matt and I were able to spend time together, alone, for the first time in a long time. We had to laugh though when my first batch of cookies came out extreemly thin and flat. I couldn't understand why! I had just made the same recipe last week and those turned out perfect! I think it was because I doubled the recipe. So I added more flour to the dough and the next round turned out better.  I've never professed to be a good baker, but I didnt want anyone to know I was a bad one, so those first cookies will remain here.  So, my list for the day.
  • Finish Laundry
  • Bake and frost sugar cookies
  • Make my famous Artichoke dip for Salon Christmas Party
  • Find time to shower

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I've been thinking

I should have never started blogging. 1. I dont have time for this. 2. What in the world could I possibly write that would be interesting enough for other to read? Oh well, too late. I will make time, and if you aren't interested in anything I have to write then I'm ok with that. Speaking of time and the lack thereof. I can hear James waking up from his nap. I'm going to let him cry it out a bit though. He's had a fever of 102 F yesterday and today and needs to sleep. No other symptoms, he's teething and fevers are normal. Don't worry, I called the doctor yesterday and they said he's fine, but to call if he gets to 104. So I alternate Tylenol and Ibueprofen, and give him lots of kisses and cuddle time. Poor little guy is so worn out, he just whines instead of crying. I can't wait for this teething business to be over. If you think about it however, kids teethe all the time! At about 6-8 months they begin to get baby teeth. Then at around 2 comes the molars. A few years after that they lose those teeth and new, bigger ones come in. Followed by bigger molars. Not to mention growing pains. OUCH! Well, that will have to conclude my thoughts for now. James is actually calling for me now, saying "mama" between his wimpers. Time to put on a movie and cuddle with my little man.

Friday, December 11, 2009