Thursday, December 17, 2009

Walmart and Cookies

        Last night we decided to do our grocery shopping at...Walmart. I know I know, I hate that place too, but I had to get things that other stores would have robbed me for. I hate grocery shopping somewhere other than my normal Maceys. It takes me twice as long because I dont know where anything is, and I often give up and skip the item. On top of my frustration, James wasn't a happy camper, and Matt and I really hadn't eaten all day, thus resulting in low blood sugar. I don't know about you, but when my blood sugar is low, I can be quite cranky. Amazingly enough, there was more than one cashier open, so we chose #7, thinking it would be our best bet for a quick exit.
         Oh and not only was she slow, she didn't say hi or even read my total to me. Why are Walmart employees the most socially awkward people I've ever come in contact with? Also, why in the world does Cache Valley have two Walmarts and no Target?  Oh Target how I miss you! Anywho...
 After dinner at Mandarin Garden, YUM YUM, we went home, and decided to make cookies for our home and visiting teaching familes. James was asleep, so Matt and I were able to spend time together, alone, for the first time in a long time. We had to laugh though when my first batch of cookies came out extreemly thin and flat. I couldn't understand why! I had just made the same recipe last week and those turned out perfect! I think it was because I doubled the recipe. So I added more flour to the dough and the next round turned out better.  I've never professed to be a good baker, but I didnt want anyone to know I was a bad one, so those first cookies will remain here.  So, my list for the day.
  • Finish Laundry
  • Bake and frost sugar cookies
  • Make my famous Artichoke dip for Salon Christmas Party
  • Find time to shower

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I've been thinking

I should have never started blogging. 1. I dont have time for this. 2. What in the world could I possibly write that would be interesting enough for other to read? Oh well, too late. I will make time, and if you aren't interested in anything I have to write then I'm ok with that. Speaking of time and the lack thereof. I can hear James waking up from his nap. I'm going to let him cry it out a bit though. He's had a fever of 102 F yesterday and today and needs to sleep. No other symptoms, he's teething and fevers are normal. Don't worry, I called the doctor yesterday and they said he's fine, but to call if he gets to 104. So I alternate Tylenol and Ibueprofen, and give him lots of kisses and cuddle time. Poor little guy is so worn out, he just whines instead of crying. I can't wait for this teething business to be over. If you think about it however, kids teethe all the time! At about 6-8 months they begin to get baby teeth. Then at around 2 comes the molars. A few years after that they lose those teeth and new, bigger ones come in. Followed by bigger molars. Not to mention growing pains. OUCH! Well, that will have to conclude my thoughts for now. James is actually calling for me now, saying "mama" between his wimpers. Time to put on a movie and cuddle with my little man.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

WATCH OUT! We've got a teether!

 Well James has been a cranky little man for the past week or so, and I thought to myself, "This is it, here they come, the dreaded teeth!" Well, I can see them coming in. Little white things under the gums. They make him drool like a Rotweiler, and  he chews up everything in sight! I fully expect  these little monsters to make an apperance by the end of the month. Speaking of little monsters. I will never underestimate my child's athletic abilities. He crawls all over the place, and when you're not looking he's as fast as Flash and on the other side of the room, eyeing the fireplace, or turning off the computer. When he's in his walker, he likes to sneak up behind me as I'm doing the dishes, and ram into my heels. Then of course he laughs. His laugh is a funny thing. Sometimes he giggles, but most of the time when he's excited he gasps. I dont think thats really the right word for it, so I will make it my mission to get it on camera for all to see/hear. Besides becoming a master crawler, James he begun to pull himself up into standing position. Holding on to either the coffee table, the couch or our legs. With us holding his hands he likes to walk around the room. I think it helped having his older cousins around him this past weekend. My bets are on James walking by Christmas, just shy of 9 months. He's been such a cute little man. His personality has really come out the past few months, and I'm excited for further development in the years to come. Being James' mom is the greatest, I couldn't ask for a better baby.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Well, I've been thinking. I never know what to write. I know I'm not as clever as Lisa, and not nearly as creative as Dani. Basically my life isn't that interesting from my point of view. However, this is what I do know. I love my family, so I will always give updates on them. I love to cuddle with my husband while watching movies. I love to cook, and I think I'm pretty good at it. So what I will include in my blogs in the future is..Da da DAAAH! : Movie Reviews and Recipes. Feel free to laugh, I know I am.  So here it goes...

Last week we rented...

and yep, I'm going to give it 5 stars. We Loved It!
The movie starts out with Carl, a little boy who dreams of going to South America like his hero Charles Muntz. Seventy years later, he decides, no more excuses, it's time to go. Little does he know, he has a small stowaway named Russel. In a house floating in the air with the help of balloons, they make it to Paradise Falls. While there they encounter a giant bird named Kevin, an evil explorer, and talking dogs.
James especially loved the dogs, as did Matt and I. We laughed, I cried, and watched it over and over again. UP will soon be joining our movie collection.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween and such

The weekend before Halloween we went down to Elk Ridge, (south of Provo) for an Eddy Halloween Dinner at my grandparents home. My grandma made an awesome spaghetti bake that I really need to get the recipe for. It's always nice to get together with Aunts, Uncles and cousins. It feels like just yesterday we were all kids playing in the mud. In reality though, we're having kids of our own, too young to play in the mud but soon enough they'll be there.

Last thursday I picked up my two youngest siblings, Will and Caroline, in Malad because I was babysitting them for the holiday weekend. One of the things I'd been meaning to do was go to the Logan City Cemetary to take pictures of ancestors' graves. So I took James, Will and Caroline with me, and we found 3 of the 4 I was looking for. If you ever need to find someone in the Logan City cemetary, Good Luck! The map doesn't make any sense at all, and you might be wandering around a graveyard for over an hour like we did.

Friday, we went to the American West Heritage Center, while we waited for Matt to get out of class. It was a cold day, but we had fun. We got lost in the maze long enough for James to fall asleep. Speaking of which I have no idea how he did, the trail was so bumpy and muddy, I felt like I needed a Jeep to navigate our way through. Will and Caroline ran ahead most of the time trying to find their own way out, and thank goodness they did, or else I dont know when we would have got out of there.

Outside of the maze a mother duck and her chicks were eating cobbs of corn and we fed them for a bit. The mother tried to bite my knee, aparently it looked delicious, so I stood back after that. I have trust issues with animals that bite me, more on that later.
James was pretty excited to see the fuzzy ducklings, he loves animals!

Will and Caroline on the hay bale hill

Will and Caroline sliding down the hill, James and I went down as well, but the pictures didn't turn out :-(

All Bundled Up!

James and I with the massive horses. This one was a mule, but it was the size of a clydesdale! James squeeled with joy when the big guy let us pet him. I'm sure he thought it was a huge dog. Caroline on the other hand was a little freaked out by the size of them.
Halloween we spent in Idaho Falls. Not much to report. James did look super cute though! I should have taken more pictures.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Random Marriage.....thing

1. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

At Jamaba Juice

2. What is your spouse's full name:

Matthew Patrick Morrissey

3. Do you have any house pets:

Not yet, one day we'll have a dog, never a cat because Matt is allergic...and insists on petting them, then wonders why his eyes are so itchy lol

4. Do you own a house or rent:


5. Do you live in the country or city:

I'm going to call Logan the country

6. What is one of your favorite activities together:

Watching Movies/ TV shows together, drives that take us away from Logan,  reading a good book together, nature walks, laughing, ok that's more than one but oh well I gave you more

7. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:

California! ok, so it might have been our only vacation we've taken together

8. When did you first kiss?

First date...I don't want to hear it you prudes!

9. What church do you attend?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

10. Where were you married?

Rexburg, Idaho

11. What town is your current address at:

Logan, Utah

12. Do you work or stay at home:

Matt is a full time student and works as a server part time, I am a full time stay at home mom, and go into the salon to work about once a week

13. Where did you go on your honeymoon:

We didn't have a honeymoon

14.What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?

I'd have to say our first Valentines Day, he gave me a fake rose from the Beauty and the Beast play he was in, and some poems he had his sister write out, it was super corny but  I loved it lol

15. Who asked who out?

Matt asked me out, after trying to get up the courage for a month so he says

16. How old are each of you?

I'm 21, he's 26

17.Where do you each work or go to school?

I work at Arkana Salon, Matt works at Cafe Sabor and goes to school at Utah State University

18. Did you go to the same school?


19. Are you from the same home town?

Nah, He's from Idaho Falls, and I'm from Norco California

20. Who is smarter?

Oh definitly Matt when it comes to book smarts

30. Who is more sensitive?

Depends on the day

31.Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Lately? Wendy's or Costa Vida.

32. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

33.Who has the craziest exes?

Thats a great question, we dont really talk about exes

34. Who has the worse temper?

Matt, because he gets mad easier than I do, but when I get super mad I blow up

35. Who does the cooking?


36. Who is more social?

Matt, he's definitly a talker. 

37. Who is the neat-freak?

ME!! I definitly have pet peeves about certain things

38. Who is more stubborn?

Oh definitly Matt, I have my stubborn ways but he's way worse

39. Who hogs the bed?

That would be me!

40. Who wakes up earlier?

Matt does, I sleep in as long as I can!

41. Where was your first date

Jonny Carinos

42.Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?

Well I was his first "Girlfriend" but he definitly played the field with way more people than I ever did

43. Do you get flowers often?

no, but he brings me food or makes me go shopping

44. How do you spend the holidays?

With our families, luckily our parents live 5 minutes away from each other

45. How long did it take you two to get serious?

Not very long, we fell in love pretty fast

47. Who eats more?


48. Who does the laundry?

That'd be me as well

49. Who’s better with the computer?

I am

50. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.

Don't sweat the little things

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

James and Mommy

My Baby Boy smiles for the camera! Isn't he cute?!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Second Dam

 Lately we've been trying to take James to the local parks to let him experience a little more in life. We went to First Dam a few weeks ago, where he watched the ducks with wide eyes. We let him wiggle his little toes in the water and he loved it! Today we went to Second Dam, which is way cooler than the first in my opinion. It was pretty cold tonight, but James didn't seem to mind. He seems to be fascinated with nature. All in all I love the family time we spend together as we explore the world around us.

Not to sure he's too happy about having his picture taken though.

James and Daddy

Mommy and James

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My week in Idaho Falls

1. Terrible cold I had for about a month turned into pink eye.  I went to my parents doctor in Idaho Falls while I was up there, turns out I had a really bad sinus infection as well. In the end, 5 prescriptions, and little less than half an hour doctor visit...$61.00! Yep that's right, it was amazing! He is a direct pay doctor, which means he doesn't bother with insurance companies. With that, I've decided if I ever need to go to the doctor again, it's well worth the trip up to Idaho Falls.

2. My mom has a beautiful garden this year, and so while I was up there we canned salsa. It was a day full of chopping all sorts of vegetables, but oh so delicious! 

3. Madeline had me do her hair for Crazy Hair Day at her high school. Check out the pics!

4. Had an awesome week with my family! Got to see my good friend Paige, who got to meet James for the first time. Went out to lunch with my wonderful mother in law Marcia. Stopped for a visit with my sister in law Shawna in Pocatello. Amazing woman, I dont know how she does it!  Finally home, I missed Matt so much!

5. James said MAMA!! True he only kinda used it the right way, but the fact that he said it is good enough for me! He now says mama when he wants me, and when he wants a bite of daddy's ice cream sandwich lol!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Things as a mom I can't live without

Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads!
I've used others, they dont work as well. I couldnt live without these!

Gumdrop Pacifiers!

The pacifier is curved to fit better, lighter weight to stay in better and lets you see more of your baby’s face! It has the same nipple design as Soothie, but I like it so much better! It helped many many nights trying to get James to sleep.

Swaddle Designs Ultimate Receiving Blanket!

It's amazing. Very lightweight, but warm. Big enough to cover while nursing, light enough that he doesn't get overheated. I just love it!

Friday, September 4, 2009

James and the Mirror

When James was in his first 3 months he used to hate the mirror. We'd put him in front of one and he'd whimper, poor little guy! Now he absolutely loves it as you can see!

Blue and White Game '09, Matt, James and Big Blue


So many changes have happened in the last 2 months! At the end of July we moved last minute, I'm talking decided on Wednesday and were out by Sunday. Matt's cousin Dave told us he and his wife were getting a divorce, and asked if we could move in to help him out a little. So we're in a new place for now. Plans are to move in December. Meanwhile, Matt has been second guessing his decision to go to Law School after graduation. After thinking everything through, he's decided (with my full support) to get his MBA, here at USU. So he'll take one more semester of classes so he has the prerequisits for the MBA program, and will take either the GRE or GMAT this fall. Then, if all goes well he'll start the MBA fall 2010. It will take about a year, meaning we'll be here in Logan for at least the next 2 years!