Friday, November 27, 2009

WATCH OUT! We've got a teether!

 Well James has been a cranky little man for the past week or so, and I thought to myself, "This is it, here they come, the dreaded teeth!" Well, I can see them coming in. Little white things under the gums. They make him drool like a Rotweiler, and  he chews up everything in sight! I fully expect  these little monsters to make an apperance by the end of the month. Speaking of little monsters. I will never underestimate my child's athletic abilities. He crawls all over the place, and when you're not looking he's as fast as Flash and on the other side of the room, eyeing the fireplace, or turning off the computer. When he's in his walker, he likes to sneak up behind me as I'm doing the dishes, and ram into my heels. Then of course he laughs. His laugh is a funny thing. Sometimes he giggles, but most of the time when he's excited he gasps. I dont think thats really the right word for it, so I will make it my mission to get it on camera for all to see/hear. Besides becoming a master crawler, James he begun to pull himself up into standing position. Holding on to either the coffee table, the couch or our legs. With us holding his hands he likes to walk around the room. I think it helped having his older cousins around him this past weekend. My bets are on James walking by Christmas, just shy of 9 months. He's been such a cute little man. His personality has really come out the past few months, and I'm excited for further development in the years to come. Being James' mom is the greatest, I couldn't ask for a better baby.

1 comment:

Wes and Dani said...

James is seriously growing up too fast!!!!! I can't believe how much he has changed in the past few months. :) What a cutie. :)