Monday, July 18, 2011

Three and a half more days

Matt is off to Denver until Thursday night. Thursday night cannot come soon enough. I don't know how single moms do it, or military wives for that matter. I guess one day at a time. I am so glad this is the last week of training for Matt and he wont need to go out of town again until mid September. It would help if I weren't so very much pregnant.

This past weekend contractions have been playing tag team with Braxton Hicks, making for late nights. Last night I was up until 2ish breathing through the pains. The night before was much the same, which made 9am church a no go. This morning was full of sharp pains to the cervix and lower back pain, I was just crossing my fingers it wouldn't lead to labor. I'm trying to hold out for Thursday night, or Friday morning. We'll see how its looking down south on Wednesday. My mom is coming down tomorrow night, thank goodness! It will be nice to have adult company while Matt is gone, as well as extra hands to help. I told her she had to be here before Wednesday morning because I am not about to bring James to another doctor appointment. He's fine for the first little while, but once we're in the back room waiting for the doctor his time is up for good behavior. This last time was pretty funny however, when the doctor started to examine down there, James pulled up a chair so he could see what in the world they were doing to his mom. Another reason I'm not bring him to any more appointments. He's getting almost too old to have such memories lol.

This past weekend we took it easy. Last night we walked around the neighborhood, then went up to USU and walked some more.

So cross your fingers that this baby will stay put until Matt is back home. After that put all your thoughts into  him coming this weekend!

1 comment:

Wes and Dani said...

Wow, sounds like you are close! I hope baby stays put for a few more days, though. FX!