Week 34 of this pregnancy has hit me like a slap in the face. I'm dying of heat all the time! Which makes for an Oh so pleasant wife for my poor husband. This baby wont stop wiggling around, and tonight I had contractions for an hour or so. This bun needs to stay in the oven for at least 26 more days, so Matt can be home. We're aiming for 30 though. We'll see what the doctor says on Wednesday.
Matt is catching up from the week he missed of training, and things seem to be going well. He has decided however that we will never move to Phoenix. I'm sure Madison Wisconsin in two weeks will be a welcome change for him. Also if anyone is interested in letting Matt give you an insurance quote, he could use the practice. Who knows, maybe he can even get you a better rate!
Wink Wink Nudge Nudge
James has been having fun this summer. When at my parents house he loves to jump on the trampoline, and it getting pretty good at it. He also loves to throw pebbles into the canal behind their house. Thankfully he doesn't get too close, and hasn't figured out how to open the gate to go by himself. While at home, he's been enjoying a nightly wagon ride around the block, and likes to pick dandelions along the way. He's teething again, ugh. Hopefully these teeth pop through faster than the last ones. Meanwhile he's been chowing down on Popsicles, watching Rugrats, and adding more and more words to his vocabulary.
I'm hoping to take James to do some fun things in the next month before the baby comes. Something in either water or air conditioner would be nice!
1 comment:
Ironic that Matt will be in Madison while we aren't....too bad we couldn't cross paths!
Cute pics of James and your prego pic looks awesome! I hope for your sake that baby stays put for a few more weeks!!! Decided on a name yet??
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