Friday, May 13, 2011

Catching up Part 1: Ben's Homecoming

Thats right, my little brother Ben is now home from his mission to New York where he taught the gospel in Mandarin.
His plane was set to arrive at 2:57, so we spent the morning making cheesy posters, hanging up a "Welcome Home" sign and even put up a marquee at the local gas station.
We got to the airport about half an hour early so we could be there before he did, and even waited in the car for a bit before going in. As we walked up my Dad said "Oh that must be his plane!" and half my family went off to see it land. My Mom, Madeline, James and I went inside....and there he was...waiting for us lol. Caroline ran after my Dad and Will to tell them forget the plane, its the wrong one lol. So much for our corny signs....


After we dropped off Ben's luggage we went to dinner at a Chinese buffet....and learned that Ben picked up some.... interesting.... eating habits from the chinese in New York.

You know all the questionable items at Chinese Buffets...well he ate all those. Even the shrimp that had everything but the heads...then just spit out all the shell and legs and stuff on the plate... I stopped watching him eat after that.

After dinner Ben was released by the stake president, it was pretty cool.
It's great to have Ben back and we're all excited to see what happens next for him.


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