Wednesday, May 18, 2011

29 Weeks on Friday

Last night I went through all of James' old clothes and organized them. Oh my goodness there were a lot of clothes! Luckily I had them all mostly organized, so it was just a matter of switching the boxes they were in, and getting rid of any stained clothes. Going through all his newborn outfits finally gave me that feeling I've been waiting for. Excitement. I don't know if its because I've had a baby before, or if I'm scared to get excited because of my miscarriage. The truth is, until last night, I didn't get that excited feeling. Yes I've been happy that another bundle of joy is joining our family, but I never felt that feeling of glee.
Last night when I was folding each individual piece of clothing, remembering how adorable James looked it each one, I was excited. I'm excited to hold this brand new baby boy. I'm excited for the new baby smell. I'm excited for everything. Yes even waking up in the middle of the night.

I'm also excited to have my dreams return to normal.
Last time, I was reading those Twilight books, and wow did I have weird dreams. This time around I'm not reading anything, so instead I'm dreaming about real life people in the weirdest ways. The other night I dreamt that my brother Ben was drinking my Moroccan Oil hair product and it was dripping down his chin...gross. Last night I dreamt that this girl I know called me to ask if I could cover her shift at the beauty supply store...I quickly woke myself up from that one. I'm very much enjoying my SAHM status and the thought of having to work 9-6 for even one day stressed me out. lol

Other than contractions last week, my pregnancy is going well. Thing 2 is moving all the time, and I've gained about 6 lbs. Not much else to report, which is a good thing :)


Wes and Dani said...

I totally know what you mean about the excited thing. Since we haven't had a baby before, I have to say for me that it's the miscarriages. There's just this level of uncertainty even as the weeks progress.

I feel like if I start to get too excited that the letdown if something goes wrong will be unbearable. It's easier to still think of the baby as an "If" instead of a "When." But this also means we haven't started preparing by purchasing anything yet either....maybe we should start doing that. :-/

And I also know what you mean about the weird dreams. I had one last night that was so disturbing I couldn't go back to sleep. And I often dream I'm doing weird things like eating cigarettes or things like that. Gross.

I've gained six pounds too! Too bad you're like 2 months ahead of me. ;)

The Morrisseys said...

I totally know what you mean about the uncertainty. I think it will kinda always linger there until delivery day and I hold this little one in my arms. Makes pregnancy that much longer!

LOL...cigarettes. Thats funny. I've read that some women get cravings to eat cigarettes and dirt...I guess you're one of those hahaha too funny.

Wes and Dani said...

Ooh it's the opposite of a craving though. In my dreams it tastes so horrible...Yuck!