After my doctor appointment
last wednesday, I was pretty excited about the prospect of meeting my new little baby soon. I even started to bleed a few hours after that appointment, which had me freaking out a bit since Matt wasn't due to be home until late Thursday night. I started looking up flights, trying to find a way for Matt to get home. No luck, which turned out ok because I couldnt get a hold of Matt anyway, and my mom who was there helping out ordered me on bedrest lol. The bleeding stopped and there was no need to worry.
Thursday I started to have contractions and had them for about 2 hours. Matt was in the air at the time and I was beginning to think he'd have just enough time to get to the hospital from Salt Lake to be in the delivery room. My bag was packed and my Mom, James and I went to Walmart for some last minute things....and the contractions stopped. Apparently this little man likes WalMart just as much as I do. Friday came and went without anymore contractions, as did most of saturday. There were a few that night, but not enough to go to the hospital.
Then Sunday came, and I was losing hope of delivering that weekend. Then around 5:30 I started to contract, we timed them and although there was no pattern, the pain was getting worse and didn't stop. So at 6:30 we checked into Labor and Delivery. Luckily my doctor was at the hospital, checked me himself and told the L&D to keep me. I was at a 4+, and at 7:30 he broke my water...which didn't hurt at all compared to last time.
I still wasn't in too much pain but had them call the anesthesiologist just in case. He rushed right over, maybe a little too rushed because he got pulled over on the way to the hospital. This time around the epidural went in easy peasy and I was able to feel its effects right away. At 9:30 I was between a 4&5, so they started the oxytocin, and at 10 I was just a 5 so they upped the dosage. I started to feel lots of pain because turns out I was going through transition, wish I would have had the nurse check me because I pushed the epidural again and guess 10:50ish I was at a 10. So it was time to push and once again I could not feel hardly anything.
At 10:59 I began to push, and at 11:21 our newest little addition to the Morrissey Family was born.
Our healthy baby boy measured 6lbs 13 oz, and was 19 inches long.
Everything went so smoothly, I couldn't have asked for a better delivery. Between pushes Matt and I were talking/ joking with Dr. K and the nurses, and only pushing 22 minutes was the greatest relief! Especially since I pushed over an hour with James.
We've named him Noah Michael Morrissey
James adores his little brother and so far things are going great between the two of them.
I'll have to get a picture of Matt and Noah on here as well, since it was just the two of us in L&D I spaced getting a picture of those two!