Our little guy is 3 months old! Where does the time go? He's entering the "fun" age and we just love it! He's slowly getting stronger every day, but still hasnt rolled over (James did at 3 weeks) and sitting up on his own looks like it will be a while, (James- 3- 1/2 months). I'm perfectly happy with this and know all little babies are different, plus I dont need another mobile child any time soon.
So for now I'm enjoying our cuddle time. Noah is very curious, and loves to be held standing up so he can look around the room. He is quite the "talker" and even has started to laugh, I love baby giggles. He loves James, and smiles when he's around. That is until James starts to bug him with too many kisses and and an extra squeezie hug.
James is saying and learning new words every day and I am thrilled! Things go much more smoothly when communication is easier. He's such a sweet little boy and makes us laugh all the time. He loves music and his two favorite songs to sing right now are "The Scottsman", Utah State's fight song, and Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. Yep, James Looooves Katy Perry.
Other than the boys, same ol' same ol' for Matt and I. Matt is working very hard and enjoying his job and I am busy at home. Next weekend is Halloween, so I need to get cracking on costumes for the boys!
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