Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mothers Institute

The past little while I've been attending an Institute class for mothers, and it has been great! We meet tuesdays at 11am, and go over general conference talks. The kids play in the back of the room with nursery toys and us moms are able to have adult interactions. I've really enjoyed our little tuesday class.

This week however....

Our tuesday class was canceled and we were invited to join the wednesday class.




I could not hear a thing! This class had way more people, and older, louder children. The poor lady behind me probably felt so uncomfortable as I looked back to make sure my child was still alive every 30 seconds.  A few of the girls from my tuesday group left, and towards the end I was wishing I had too. I'm not saying the lesson wasn't good, it was great, but there was just too much chaos to enjoy it.

Oh, and did I mention I was called Dani the entire time? Pretty sure that's not my name, and I dont think there is even a Dani in our usual class. I was sitting next to another sister from my ward, and when we sat down our instructor said "Oh good you're here! I was worried about you two!" ...confused looks at each other.... " Have you talked to Heidi?" .."Nope" ....I dont even know who Heidi is...either do I...

Whatever, Elizabeth, Dani, its all the same right? Its only the wednesday class that will think my name is Dani.

Then towards the end, James came up to me and sat on my lap, and a wednesday sister asked "Is he yours?" 
"Yep, he's mine"
"I think he's got a girl friend, he's been following my daughter around the whole time"
fake chuckle..."Ohhhh well he likes little girls"
"How old is he?"
"18 months"
"Oh! She's barely two!"
"Oh, cool"

And the conversation ended there, with me thinking...

 heck to the no! My child does not and will not have a girl friend for many many years!

I know some people think its cute when little kids have "boy friends" or "girl friends" but I dont think it is so cute. I want my boys to think girls have cooties for a long long time.

So after this woman tried to pimp out her daughter to my son, she proceeded to grab him in her arms after class and give him a big ol' kiss on his head!!

What the heck?!

Who kisses stranger's children?!

Well after this weird awkward class I am vowing never ever to go to a wednesday class again. We will stick with our tuesdays where James can play with trucks and other boys and where there aren't any other mothers trying to set up my son with their daughter. Also I can actually hear and participate in the lesson, which is why I'm going in the first place.


Wes and Dani said...

Haha Dani is a good name, though, right? ;)

Yikes...stick to the Tuesday class. I can already see that lady planning James' and her little girl's wedding....not pretty.

The Morrisseys said...

lol yes, thats why I only corrected her once and allowed her to call me Dani at least 5 more times lol.