Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I've been so busy lately trying to promote my cosmetology business that I've slacked on our personal blog. So let me tell you what we've been up to!

James turned ONE, as you know. He's growing up too fast!  I've been working on fattening him up, he's so active all the time he's dropped to the 10th percentile  in weight for his age. Thank goodness I've been able to start him on whole milk. He didn't like it at first, but now he LOVES it! He's on his second sippy cup of milk today. He prefers it when I hold the cup up for him, which I wish he didn't. I've been working on weening him. Cutting out feedings during the day for now. Which makes a cranky baby, and an even crankier one when it comes to nap times. Today he started to suck on his fingers, and then fell asleep..finally..  I know that nursing is just a comfort thing to him, and somehow I'll have to get him over that.
Enough about the trials of raising a little boy, and on to the fun stuff.
He's been walking for about 3 weeks now, still wobbly, but can get into even more things. He's jibber-jabbing all day long, and says "Ah-blee, Ah-blee, Ah-blee" over and over again like a little song. Who knows what it means, but he giggles when I mimick him. He likes to give hugs, and you really know he likes you if he places his forehead on yours. ( Ok, sometimes, well mostly, its a head butt) He's such a ham, and loves attention, (just like his daddy) but melts everyone's hearts. I need to start setting up play dates for him because he loves to play with other kids! Of course I have to be right next to him so he doesnt hit, or steal their toys. Speaking of which, How in the world do you teach a one-year-old not to hit?!

What a silly Boy!

Matt has been super busy with school as usual, but has been working out with the ROTC everyday, he's lost about 15 lbs already, Go MATT!
I've been wanting to lose weight, but can't get off my butt! James makes me so tired, and thinking about working out makes me even more tired. But I've got to do it! Other than my SAHM duties, I've made a blog for my cosmestology, and am expanding my services.

We don't have cable anymore, but one of the shows I used to watch was Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on the Food Network. I was looking it up online today, and there are 7 in Utah! So once a month we're going to try a featured resturant, if anyone wants to join us, let me know! :)

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