Saturday, January 16, 2010


I ate too much junk today
Praying for winter to be over so we can be warm again
Wishing electricity didn't cost so much
Tummy Ache
My little guy isn't feeling too great, most likely getting more teeth
In need of a hobby
In need of time for a hobby
Jealous of you people going on your vacations, having professional pictures of your kids, being creative, having time and money to do so....bah
Need to get over it
Frost has been beautiful on the trees the last two days
Once again however, ready for spring
Time to cuddle for warmth and watch a movie with the hubby

1 comment:

katie mcphee said...

come to our sealing & we will take some professional pics of James. free of charge :) let me know... we will be in UT next weekend....