Thursday, March 10, 2011

Matt left for England last friday morning, he's been way busy, that combined with the time difference (7 hours) is making for one tired hubster. We've been able to skype mostly everyday which has been nice, he's been borrowing computers from other people in his group who made the splurge for internet. Everything is so expensive there! He took $200 with him and changed it to pounds when he arrived....only got back 115 pounds. Then his first meal he bought a panini (very English, I know) ....9 pounds! The internet was 10 pounds a day at his first hotel in Manchester, so who knows how much it is in London and if I'll be able to talk to him before he comes home.

I am anxious for Monday night to get here, being away from each other for 10 days is hard enough, not to mention 4,000 + miles.

Anyway, James and I have been hanging out at my parents house.
James has been showing off, playing kamikaze, jumping off furniture, climbing on counters, and tackling the dogs. He and Mady had a dance party last night, I went down to watch and he ran up to grab my hand so I could dance too. I'll have to get pictures if they dance again tonight.

Yesterday I had to run some errands sans James, but he had a grand ol' time with my mom and sisters playing with Photo Booth. They made a couple of videos but this one makes me laugh so hard I nearly cried. So watch and enjoy :)

Wednesday is the day we find out if Thing 2 is a he or she....any guesses?

1 comment:

Poulsen Family said...

Christopher has had free Wifi the whole trip but we've only managed to skype once and it was for less than five minutes.
Glad you are staying occupied at your Mom's!