Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You know you LOOK pregnant when...

about everyone in the grocery store gives you the "Oh pregnant" smile, and at least 5 people ask when you're due.

I feel super pregnant because I don't think I can remember the last time I had any REM sleep.
I'm up every two hours to pee, and my sciatic nerve hurts the worst at night.
I also wake up every day with a monster sinus headache.

Why do we women do this again?

Oh ya...I remember
because we want more of these little angels.

So all the morning sickness, mood swings, headaches, and lack of sleep are worth it once we get to hold that little one in our arms the first time.

115 days to go lol

Oh, and another thought.
I was so excited thinking that I already have all the clothes I need for this little man...umm probably not.
When James was 3-6 months old he was in summer clothes, this one...not so much.
So after I get everything IN my house more organized (current project), I'll go through all of James' many boxes of clothes to see what I can actually use. So hint hint Grandmas, you might want to take advantage of the winter clearance items in sizes 3-6 months ;)

1 comment:

Poulsen Photography said...

The nice thing about having summer clothes is you can always make them into winter (putting a long sleeve onesie under, etc). It doesn't work so well the other way around though.