I cant wait for summer.
To heat our townhouse we use our wood burning stove, yep.
Its a pain in the butt...but its free.
So James and I have been cooped up in my bedroom most of the winter because its the warmest place in the house.
Every morning we have breakfast in bed...
thats mostly because it takes a bit for the downstairs to get warm enough to comfortably eat

winter breakfasts will continue to be in bed
And our bedspread will be navy blue, not white
but I'll save my decorating plans for our master bedroom for another post.
While we're waiting for winter, we've been watching a lot of movies, and having dance parties.
James loves loves LOVES music.
If a song is playing that has any sort of beat you could dance to, I'm pulled away from whatever I'm doing to dance with James.
When James isn't dancing, he's usually singing.
He learns best to music and as soon as he's old enough music lessons will commence.
This child even sings along to the "That 70's Show" theme song.
The words are all his own except for "We're all alright, we're all alright! Hello Wisconsin!"
That part he does pretty well lol.
Now before you come to conclusions, James also sings along to "I am a child of God"...his own words of course, but the tune is right.
Since its sunny today we're going to head out on a walk soon, so while we do that you can catch up on some more pictures.
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