Sunday, October 3, 2010

2 am-ish

It's about 1:30 in the morning and I'm still up.
Yesterday?(Friday) was a great day, I woke up, went for my walk with James, went about my usual daily to do list, laundry etc. Then watched the Utah State v BYU game while Matt went up to Romney with his parents. (James was grumpy so we decided against bringing him that time) Utah State won, which was wonderful because I'd have a happy husband all weekend. Those of you married to sports fanatics know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway I thought it was a great start to a great weekend.

Today or yesterday as I guess it would technically be now didn't start off so great. I was exhausted and didn't want to get up, so I overslept and missed most of the morning session of general conference. How am I able to sleep in that late? Well my child was up till the wee hours of the night because we went out to dinner after the game which made him hyper because he loves to see his Aunt Katie and Grandma and Grandpa Morrissey. Anyway, nothing really awful happened today, I was just exhausted and James was being uber sensitive all day, crying hysterically. When he cries like that I can't hear a thing so there went the afternoon session.

After crying for what seemed an eternity, he fell asleep, and didn't get up until 8:30...yep I blew it. I should have woken him up, but I was just enjoying the peace. He's back asleep again, as he should be for goodness sake it's 1:40, and now I can't get myself to climb up those stairs and crawl into bed because then it will be tomorrow and we'll have to do it all over again!

Poor little guy has been sick off and on all week, and I know its all because of those darn molars coming down. When I was pregnant I would read about babies born with teeth and I thought,"How awful!" now I'm thinking that's the way everyone should be born!

So here's to hoping tomorrow will be better.

Ps if you're wondering why I'm so I'm not pregnant.

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