Saturday, September 25, 2010

One, Two, Three's and a Shopping Cart

Here are a few picture I took of James counting to 3

He jumped on every 3, but my camera was too slow to catch it so

I have little fits of laughter everytime I look at these...

...James does not like to sit in any high chair, booster, or grocery cart

when I do put him in one, a grocery cart this instance

he waits for me to stop the cart, stands up and jumps on me

and because I dont want him to smash his head on the floor

I catch him

he then wiggles his way to the ground

well tonight we tried something new

letting him push the cart



Wes and Dani said...

Hahah I love the one where he's passing the bud light with the cart lol. Also, he's about due for a haircut! He looks so much older with hair coming in!

The Morrisseys said...

lol ya we were laughing pretty hard when he pushed the cart down the alcohol isle. his hair grows so fast! I've been trimming it every few weeks around the ears and neck, and a little bit off the top and now its time again! if only it would grow in front lol